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日本語 お笑いの力.png

Our activities center around Manu Shimaoka, Shira-chan, and Yumi Fujita, and we are working to solve social problems with the power of comedy while addressing social issues from the perspective of comedians! Ultimately, our goal is to spread this activity all over the world!

Many problems are widespread in today's society. Recently, there have been problems such as people who immigrated to Japan but cannot speak Japanese well and are unable to adapt to society, and people who have a disability certificate but are unable to work even if they want to.
By holding education and events through comedy to address these issues, we can support the independence of these people, and also generate interest and understanding from the general public, so that we can coexist and protect the environment. can be created.

In 2021, a “manzai creation course” will be held at an employment support facility for people with disabilities in Yokohama City.
Manzai competition for people with disabilities to be held at Yokohama City University in 2022
Spreading “Reiwa comedy” that accommodates diversity
In 2023, the D1 Grand Prix Manzai Tournament will be held in Himeji City, Hyogo Prefecture, where foreigners and people with disabilities can participate.
Conducted manzai classes and manzai competitions for children at Korean schools

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